Thursday, February 21, 2013

Snow Day

We have found many, many reasons to stay inside this winter. Either we've been sick or others have been sick or it has been too cold, too windy, too whatever to be out in Mother Nature. Of course we've taken advantage of the nicer days offered here and there, but, when you factor in the idea that Raegan is still a little peanut and there's another little peanut growing in my belly, being inside our cozy, warm house has just seemed, well, preferable for the last few months.

Today, however, we did up a Snow Day in true form and fashion...pajamas all day (although, by that definition, we've had many snow days this year), coffee and hot chocolate, special goodies in the form of homemade bread and Rice Krispee treats, books and some videos, and lots of playtime with Dad. It helped that Ben's school canceled for the day mid-afternoon of yesterday; we knew he'd be home and so got to have a relaxed evening and morning leading into this day of 8-10" of snow (with perhaps more coming). And, ironically, Harrison spent more time outside today than he has much of the winter (minus the nicer days, of course).

Layered to the max, HD ventured out three separate times with Dad to work on the driveway and to Play. I watched him push snow for a while with Ben's large shovel and marveled at how strong he is, how big he is getting. It wasn't all work though; the Play Constructure offered lots of fun, especially since the slide kept getting covered with a fresh layer of snow each time he went out there:

"Mama! Mama! Did you see me? Did you watch me through the window? I'm soooo cold. It was soooo fun! I scooped with Daddy and I lost my sweeper. I made a snow angel! I got snow everywhere!! When can we do it again? After one more sleep? But I don't want the sun to come out! I don't want my snow to go away! Can we do Quiet Time outside again?" -- all this and more bubbled out of Harrison after his final trip out for the day. Even though it was flippin' cold and snowing the whole day, it was clearly worthwhile to let him be out there, having a blast.

I'm so thankful Ben was here today to be with HD in the cold, fresh air while RL and I stayed warm inside the house (although she clearly wanted to go with them each time!). Like most kids, Harrison is clearly a fan of snow days, and I can totally relate. Some of my best childhood memories are of winter afternoons spent stomping around the farm and the grove with my brother, seeing just how many snow piles and drifts we could explore, turn into forts, or slide down countless times. Cold doesn't matter when you're little. Instead it's fun, it's exciting, and it's magical.

Hooray for some snowy magic for Harrison today!

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